Customer Satisfaction Survey Commercial Retail Industrial Education HealthCare Residential Kindly complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Project Name *Client/Consultant Name *FirstLastRepresentative NameYour PositionYour Phone NumberYour Email Address *1. Was the project started on time?Strongly AgreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Disagree2. Was the quality of the work what you expected?Strongly AgreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Disagree 3. Was the project completed in a timely manner?Strongly AgreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Disagree4. How responsive have we been to your requests or questions?ExcellentGoodPromptSlow5. Were proposals/estimates sent to you in a timely manner?Strongly AgreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Disagree6. How well do you feel we worked together as a team?Extremely WellSatisfactoryVery WellCould Improve7. How well did we meet your contractual handover requirements?Extremely WellOn-TimeVery WellCould Improve8. Do you feel that we added value to the overall project?ExcellentNeeds ImprovementGoodUnsatisfactory9. Would you refer our company to someone else?Strongly AgreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Disagree10. CommentsPlease insert any comments you wish to share with us related to your experience on this project.Submit